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Entries for February 2010

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No National Health Care!

Frank writes: Dear Mr. President, We cannot afford your costly programs. We have a bad future here in America. Please - NO national health care!

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Earned the right to salute the flag

I don't really care what the regulations state regarding saluting of our Flag. I fought for it, I'll salute it. Seems fairly simple to me. The fact

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special dispensation for saluting the flag?

A reader asks: I know a veteran in my town who states that he was given a special dispensation for saluting the flag from someone at Luke Air Force Base,

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Is Congress Still Being Censored?

Jeff writes: Is this censorship in Congress still occurring this many months later? Before I start sending emails to all my friends and military retiree

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Do You Need Tax Help? How About Free Tax Help?

Do you need tax help? As the April 15 tax deadline approaches, do you need income tax help to avoid IRS tax problems? There are a number of places for free tax help. Military families can get free tax help through

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Serving in the Military was Our Privilege

Ken writes: Dear Tammy, It is because of the love of our country that we served... It is because of what our parents, grandparents and great grandparents

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Thank you to our military!

Tammy writes: Words can never express the gratitude I feel every day for the ultimate sacrifices each member of our armed forces make daily for the freedom

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Kilmer's Bad Judgment

Tom writes: Mr Kilmer, As A Vietnam vet I can't sit by and let you criticize, malign, and tell lies about my fellow comrades. I feel as though you have

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Ronald Reagan Always Stood With Our Military

Today is the anniversary of Ronald Reagan's Birthday, 99 years ago. With our military troops in harm's way in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is a good time

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SEAL Prosecution Unbelievable!

In my opinion, the actions taken by these leaders against these three SEALs will lead to special ops personnel of all branches being hesitant in the field.

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Happy 99th Birthday, President Reagan

Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of these United States, was a true American patriot, a great communicator, a great inspiration, and a great leader. It's hard to realize it's been more than 20 years since he left office, and more than 5 years since he was laid to rest on the grounds of his Presidential Library overlooking beautiful Simi Valley, California.

Any words we write would be inadequate to express our admiration for this great man. He was a true leader who had

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SEAL Prosecution is Ridiculous

Butch wrote: It is pretty ridiculous that charges went up thru the chain of command in the case of the three SEALs who captured this high-value target

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I'm Moving to Mexico

Dear Mr. President: I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me. We're planning

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Take Care of Americans Without the Burden of Illegal Aliens

Terri writes: American people have fought long and hard for our rights and freedom. More of our citizens go through hard times as opposed to those few

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Is Val Saying Draftees Are 'Lesser' People?

Dallas writes: Val Kilmer's assertions, if he in fact made them (as it appears), seem to imply that people who couldn't afford college, didn't make the

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Russ writes: These men are heroes in every sense of the word. They did their job and did it professionally and efficiently. Whether or not this godless

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Use of Such Sexual Innuendo by Major News Outlets Unacceptable

I'm ignoring the political implications of this article to speak up on behalf of children everywhere. I can't quite make the leap that using the term

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Have You Unwittingly Used the Term "Tea Bagging?"

If so, we think you'll change your mind after reading this article. The terms "tea bagging" and "tea baggers" have become fairly commonplace in recent months, as a derogatory reference to the popular Tea Party protest movement. To certain segments of the population, however, the term "tea bagging" has much darker implications. Serious implications which are

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Before You Buy That New TV for the Big Game . . .

Have you ever wondered about the true cost of items you buy on credit? If you're paying over time, is that sale price really worth it? In this timely real world example just weeks before the Super Bowl, we'll show you how much you'll pay for that new TV if you buy it on credit and pay the minimum monthly payment - and the length of time it'll take to pay it off. You won't

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Military Families Ski Free at Jay Peak

Jay Peak Resort in Jay, Vermont, is giving families of deployed soldiers from Franklin, Orleans, Caledonia, Essex and Lamoille counties free season passes to the resort. They'll also get half-off rentals and free skiing and riding lessons. Military families outside those counties will get half-off lift tickets. The ski resort says it's a way to give back to our soldiers and their families. The season passes will be given out later this month.

Click for more info

No Military Discount at Michael's

Our popular page about merchants offering military discounts had included Michael's on the list. This morning, we received a note from Sarah, who works at Michael's, telling us that information is incorrect. She suggested we contact corporate at 1-800-MICHAELS. We're suggesting that all of you who shop at Michael's may want to call that number and ask (politely) if Michael's would consider offering a military discount to the thousands of military wives who buy scrapbooking and other craft supplies at Michael's, as a way to say "thank you" for the sacrifices they make to enable and support their husbands' service. If Michael's corporate is not receptive to that idea, perhaps you may want to let them know you will consider shopping elsewhere.

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Calendar of Support the SEALs Events

Those of you who may be interested in attending a rally to show support for the SEAL Trio will find a calendar listing the various locations hosting rallies by following the link. Rallies are scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, in Norfolk, Virginia; Coronado, California; Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Perrysburg, Ohio (Matthew McCabe's home town). Keep checking back with the pro-troop event calendar for other pro-troop events, including future events for the SEAL Trio.

Click for more info

Free the SEALs Rally Tuesday

Tuesday, January 19, was the originally-scheduled trial date for Navy SEAL Matthew McCabe. Last week, his trial was postponed, but the rally for the SEAL Trio will continue in Norfolk on Tuesday as scheduled, to show public support for the three SEALs. McCabe's trial will take place in Norfolk in May. Trials for Jonathan Keefe and Julio Huertas will take place in Iraq in April, to allow them to exercise their Constitutional right to confront their accuser, Ahmed Hashim Abed. Abed is the high value target terrorist who was behind the vicious murder and desecration of four Blackwater guards in 2006. Their bodies were burned, hacked to pieces, dragged through the streets behind a car, and strung up from a bridge over the Euphrates River. The three SEALs captured Abed in a daring nighttime raid in September, and they now stand accused of punching him after he was in custody.

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Update on SEAL Trials

Earlier this week, the trial of two of the SEAL Trio was moved to Iraq after the government refused to bring the "detainee" to the US to testify at their trials. Matthew McCabe, the third SEAL, was scheduled to begin his court-martial next week in Norfolk. At a separate hearing this week, his trial was (scroll down to update)

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I Concur!

Ken writes:

If ANYONE has a right to express their feelings on this issue, Debbie Lee is that person!

I've met other parents who have lost sons serving in SEAL and SF units and they are in this category as well.


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SEALs Prosecution is Appalling

Debbie Lee writes: I am appalled and disgusted at the charges against our SEALs for having given a HVT (High Value Target) a fat lip. I have heard

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Free the SEALs!

Three U.S. Navy SEALs are being prosecuted in a military court-martial for allegedly "abusing" a detainee, who claims one of them punched him in the stomach. Even if you haven't heard much about these prosecutions, you will certainly remember hearing about the

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Permalink -- click for full blog post "PROPER SALUTING WHEN OUT OF UNIFORM???"

2010 Military Pay Chart

The Military Pay Chart for 2010 reflects a 3.4% pay raise. There are a number of variables that affect the amount of an individual member's military pay and allowances, including

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kilmer has no life experience

Jonny writes: how did kilmer get to julliards at such a young age? daddy bought his way in. do you think his acting is really, special? he is just

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Happy New Year Troops/ 2010 New beginnings!!!

Joni writes: I am a single mother of two and I just want to thank you for all that you have done for us. I pray every night for you guys and hope

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Year-End Charitable Giving

If you're one of those people scrambling to make your year-end charitable donations to make sure you get the corresponding tax deduction, be sure to read our expose of veterans charities that miss the mark, including

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Volunteered for Vietnam and Proud of it!

I come from a large, traditional Catholic family. My parents worked hard to support me and my other brothers and sisters. We weren't abused. We

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Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

The Eckardts write: We, the Eckardt family, wish all of our soldiers overseas a very Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays :D We hope you all find

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Best Wishes From Been There Done That

Ben writes: Know what it's like being in the big ashtray of the world. Millions of miles from everything you know and love. Keep your head low and

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Thank you to you and your family

Dearest Soldier, Thank you so much for putting our your uniform to defend us everyday. Your courage to serve us is beyond words. Thank you never

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Tracking Santa

Tracking Santa 2009 just got easier.

NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, who has for more than fifty years helped children around the world track Santa on his Christmas Eve flight around the world, has added even more ways to stay current on Santa's whereabouts this year. You can follow Santa on

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Soldier's Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,
in a one-bedroom house made of plaster and stone.
I had come down the chimney with presents to give,
and to see

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Merry Christmas!!

From a grateful nation, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Please know that you are in our prayers. We know you are sacrificing so

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Non-US Citizen Veterans

So, according to this ACT, what are non US citizen Veterans to do? Are non-US citizen servicemen or women free to do as they wish? Stand at attention only,

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Can't Find Sears Heroes at Home

A reader writes: UMMMM what? So i have seen Sears Heroes at Home on a commercial tonight (12/19/09) and the first thing i did was try to find it.

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Disrespect in the Military

Anonymous writes: If you question the authority of our President, Barak Obama, as your Commander in Chief then please take off the uniform of my

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Merry Christmas

Beth writes: At my age you tend to appreciate things more. But all my life I have loved and appreciated what you guys do for us. My father was a

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Chessani Not Guilty - Murtha Hospitalized

Just heard that Murtha was hospitalized Sunday night with abdominal pains from a gall bladder issue, according to his spokesman. Guess he was really

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Chessani Not Guilty of Misconduct

Marine LtCol Jeffrey Chessani, the most senior of the "Haditha Marines" to face charges stemming from the house-to-house combat in Iraq four years ago, was found not guilty of misconduct late Friday afternoon by a Board of Inquiry after just three hours of deliberation. The Board's decision means

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Mysteries of the
Blue Angels:
How Do They
Do That?

Climb in the cockpit
with former
Flight Leader
Hoss Pearson
to discover the
Mysteries of the
Blue Angels

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