Use of Such Sexual Innuendo by Major News Outlets Unacceptable

by Concerned Reader

I'm ignoring the political implications of this article to speak up on behalf of children everywhere.

I can't quite make the leap that using the term "teabagging" is encouraging pedophiles, and I don't think this needs to be framed as an attack against liberals (although they are the ones using these terms). But I cannot pass up this opportunity to speak up on behalf of the most innocent and helpless of victims traumatized for life by pedophiles.

Use of this terminology and similar sexual innuendo in news broadcasts is unnecessary and unacceptable, and I support putting an end to it NOW.

I agree completely that no one should have to explain "teabagging" to a child who heard the term on TV, regardless of which meaning is used.

Grow up, news media, and be responsible, mature adults, not a bunch of freshmen snickering behind girly magazines.

Comments for Use of Such Sexual Innuendo by Major News Outlets Unacceptable

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by: PatThePi in CA

Comment by "concerned reader" is dead-on. Thank you.

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