Money Matters for Military Families
Are You Ready to "Take Command" of Your Financial Future? was created especially for America’s military families, because, quite simply,
We offer no-hype, no-nonsense information about money matters, written specifically for military families, by someone who shares your military lifestyle and has "been there, done that."
Information Military Families Need
We provide information about "Money Matters" that are important to every military family, like . . .
- How to make your military paycheck go farther
- How to easily and painlessly pay off ALL your debt - on your current income - in just 3 to 5 years
- How to legally eliminate your debt on your own - without falling for a scam that just takes more of your money
- How to legally reduce your income taxes by more than you thought possible
- How to plan and save for your military retirement
I've Walked a Mile (or Two) in Your Shoes
-- As a Military Spouse
As a Navy wife, I've been in the same position as you, trying to make that military paycheck stretch far enough.
I've had to write letters to the landlord, utilities, and other creditors to explain that our payments would be late (and maybe next month's too) because Congress was still engaged in partisan bickering over the Defense Authorization Act and we weren't getting paid because the Defense Department was "out of money" until it passed.
And, as despicable as it is that our politicians feel it acceptable to use our service members and their families as pawns in their games, the reality is yes, that really happened.
-- As an Active Duty JAG
Later, as a Navy JAG attorney, I frequently counseled military families needing help with their financial issues.
Their money problems ranged from simple inexperience at creating and living within a budget, to being overwhelmed by credit card debt, to being deliberately taken advantage of in financial transactions because they were military members.
Businesses that prey on military members and their families are disgraceful. But they do exist. Sometimes what they do is illegal; sometimes it isn't. We'll help you learn how to spot them, and how to protect yourself.
-- As a Retiree Spouse
And now, as the wife of a military retiree, I face the same issues you will face upon retirement. So I can help you navigate financial issues through all the phases of your military career and into retirement.
right kind of financial education will help you combat or avoid most financial problems. You'll be much less likely to be taken advantage of and further along the way to your goal of financial freedom if you take an active role by educating yourself about money matters.
So, are YOU ready to "take command" of your financial future?
Great! We're ready to help.
As your next step to success,
join our community - so that we can let you know about financial and other general information of interest to military families. You'll also receive additional information not posted on the site. (We send out free goodies on occasion, too, so don't miss out.)
We'd love to have you join us! We promise not to fill your inbox with junk, and to never share your email address. Period.
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