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What's Great About America
Preston writes: What's great about America is the men and women selflessly serving in the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. These
Be sure to watch the Extreme Home Makeover for military family Sherman and Gina Heathcock and their three children Sunday, March 21, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. (7:00 p.m. Central Time) on ABC. The family gets a surprise you won't want to miss. But be sure to have your hankie handy.
This Sunday, USAA helps make one military family's
Health Care Bill is Evidence of Government Run Amok
Preston writes: The Democrats' insistence on trying to ram through health care reform despite opposition by an overwhelming majority of Americans is just
It's up to you! Despite the opposition of an overwhelming majority of Americans (3 to 1), Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Democrats intend to try to ramrod their version of "Health Care Reform" through the House of Representatives this weekend.
The Congressional Budget Office has released the final numbers on the Democrats' health care bill. They estimate this unprecedented takeover of our health care system will cost taxpayers $940 billion. According to Senator John McCain, this bill is full of kickbacks and back room deals, and exceeds the $900 billion ceiling President Obama himself set last September.
The Republican National Committee sent out an urgent message Thursday to let Americans know that the Democrats intend to ignore the will of the people and enact this "2,000-plus page, $2.5 trillion health care monstrosity. They are so confident that they can ram this down the throat of the American people that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has boasted that by this Sunday health care reform will be 'the law of the land.' [Let's unite and prove him wrong!]
"If Nancy Pelosi can successfully cajole, intimidate, and coerce her Democrat majority into approving a bill the American people are against by a 3:1 margin, Obama and the rest of the radical Democrats in Washington will see their dream of government-run, government-rationed health care come true.
We have just a few days left to convince House Democrats who are still on the fence that no amount of political payoffs or promises justifies betraying the American people, making a mockery of democracy, and forever closing the door on the personal liberty that is the heart of American society.
"Just a few days to let House Democrats know that we will not stand for the Obama-Pelosi-Reid hijacking of our freedom and democracy so they can impose their socialist 'utopia' of higher taxes, restricted access, inferior quality, and deadly inefficiency on the best health care system in the world.
"You and the RNC are all that stand between the Democrats' scheme to take more of your hard-earned income to pay for this unsustainable, freedom destroying entitlement and an opportunity to work for real, truly bipartisan step-by-step solutions for bringing down costs and increasing coverage that the American people deserve."
It's free, and they need to be reminded that they work for us, the American people.
You can choose one of three images to go on your postcard. Personally, I like the yellow Gadsden flag showing a coiled snake that says "Don't Tread on Me." It should serve as a reminder to our elected officials that if they choose to tread on the American people, we'll simply vote them out and send them home. Hopefully, we'll get their attention and deliver the message before it's too late! Click now!
American Politics, American Government Not Serving the People
Preston writes: The American government and its two-party system are not serving the American people well. In fact, the two-party system is failing miserably
Census Forms should be arriving in your mail box this week. Wonder how much information you have to give them, or whether you have to answer it at all? We give you a preview, and answer those questions in this
Diane writes: I went to look up the best veterans charity that would help our military the most. I wanted to write a check & so I checked this website.
Help build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Education Center at the Vietnam Wall, the most-visited memorial in Washington, DC. Every year, more than 4 million people visit the stark black granite wall engraved with the names of 58,261 Americans who died in Vietnam. The names are arranged in
This fun quiz at HowStuffWorks will test your knowledge about Military Money Matters. There are 10 questions, and the average score is 5. You'll need to read each question carefully. And be sure to read the explanations at the bottom of each question, whether you get it right or wrong. You might learn something new! Enjoy.
Mysteries of the Blue Angels: How Do They Do That? Climb in the cockpit with former Flight Leader Hoss Pearson to discover the Mysteries of the Blue Angels
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Climb in the cockpit
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Hoss Pearson
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Mysteries of the
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