A Message from Actor and Veteran Tom Selleck:
February 22, 2010
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial - The Wall - is the most visited memorial in our nation's Capital and a powerful symbol of courage and sacrifice. An exciting new project will make the stories behind the 58,261 names on The Wall come to life to ensure they are never forgotten.
Nearly half of the visitors to The Wall were born after the Vietnam War. To them, the names cut in the smooth black granite have no context, there is no connection. The new Education Center at The Wall will enhance the visitor experience for young and old alike, and honor the values of service demonstrated by all those who have served in our country's armed forces.
Already approved by Congress, the Education Center will be an underground, state-of-the-art facility on the National Mall. It will feature photos of those named on The Wall, a chronology of the conflict, and a selection of the more than 100,000 personal items that have been left at The Wall in memory of those who gave their lives for their country.
The Education Center will give generations to come a deeper appreciation of the courage, sacrifice and devotion of those who fell, those who returned and those who waited.
Please join me and General Colin Powell, our Honorary Campaign Chairman, in making the Education Center at The Wall a reality.
The Education Center is funded exclusively with private donations, so we need your help. Please consider supporting this important effort by making a donation today.
Together we can build a place that provides future generations with a better understanding of the meaning of service, sacrifice and courage. Visit BuildTheCenter.org for more information.
Tom Selleck
National Spokesman
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