Reagan's 100th Birthday Celebration

President Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday, February 6, 2011.February 6, 2011, would have been former President Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday. The Reagan Foundation and the Republican National Committee have planned a number of events during his centennial year to celebrate the life of this beloved, soft-spoken yet iron-willed American patriot.

Ronald Reagan believed that America should return to its core values, that government was not the solution to the problem, but the problem itself, and that the way to achieve Peace was through Strength. We couldn't agree more.

Detailed information about various centennial events is posted at the Reagan Foundation web site.

The celebration will kick off Saturday night, February 5, with "A Concert for America - a Tribute to Ronald Reagan," presented by the Reagan Foundation. Also scheduled for Saturday night is a Young America's Foundation banquet, where Sarah Palin will deliver the keynote address.

Then on Sunday morning, February 6, beginning at 10:00 a.m. PST, you can watch the celebration at the Reagan Library, which will be streamed live at the Reagan Foundation site.

F/A-18s from USS Ronald Reagan will perform a flyover tribute at the celebration of President Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday on Feb. 6, 2011.The program, which begins at 11:00, will feature an F-18 flyover from the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), a 21-gun salute, keynote remarks by former Secretary James Baker, and the official laying of the presidential wreath by Mrs. Reagan at President Reagan's memorial site on the Reagan Library grounds.

Other celebrations will be conducted nationwide.

Sunday is also the day for Super Bowl XLV, which will pause to honor Reagan's 100th birthday with a tribute.

On Monday, February 7, the Ronald Reagan Museum will reopen following a complete renovation incorporating 17 new galleries. If you have not visited the Reagan Library and Museum, we highly recommend it.

Unique to the Reagan Library is the display of the Boeing 707 which served as Air Force One during Ronald Reagan's presidency. It is completely enclosed within a large atrium, which was built around it after the jet was mounted in place.

Air Force One exhibit at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, CA.

Visitors can walk through Air Force One, seeing the President's office onboard, as well as the cabin occupied by staff members and the members of the press who traveled with the President. The atrium also houses a Presidential helicopter (Marine One) and a Presidential motorcade.

The Reagan Library and Museum contains a full-size replica of Reagan's Oval Office, and a section of the famed Berlin Wall, which came down following Reagan's famous speech imploring, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" One side is stark, plain concrete; the other is covered with colorful graffiti. We'll leave you to guess which side faced which direction.

In honor of Reagan's 100th Birthday, you'll find some of our favorite Reagan quotes at Ronald Reagan, American Patriot, along with a photo of the ultimate Reagan tribute. That is true dedication. Trust us, you won't want to miss it!

And read a touching tribute to Ronald Reagan on his 99th birthday by a staffer who served as a Reagan aide from the California gubernatorial campaign through the White House years.

Please leave your own 100th birthday message for The Great Communicator.

Happy 100th Birthday, Mr. President!

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