Veteran just out of the Army Needs Help

by J Padilla
(Cleveland Ohio)

I'm a US Army veteran, recently discharged (honorably) as a SGT after 6 yrs service, and I need some help.

I just ETS'd, signed up for college and the bills don't stop. I just moved from Fort Bragg NC. I moved in with my mother here in Ohio to help her with bills since she can't work due to illness.

I have been able to help always, but now we both are hurting. I feel so low and like I'm not a good enough man since I cant provide, I feel horrible. I've sold my HD tv and sports memorabilia just to pay off bills here and for gas.

If you knew how huge a sports fan I am, you'd know that was hard. I'm starting school to major in sports management. I'm so nervous, and now having to deal with this.

I have a bus card now free from school so now I don't have to pay for gas at least. Anyways. I am awaiting my GI BILL money/ BAH, disability, unemployment, and so on.

I want to focus on my studies and my classes start Wednesday the 18th. My bank is slapping me with insufficient fund fees, and my cell phone may get cut off shortly. I'm also trying to help my mother survive.

I've never had a problem with finances but my last army pay is taking longer than expected because they lost and then found my paper work.

I just ETS on Jan 10, 2011. I hate asking for help, but I know my money will come, it's just a couple more weeks and everything will be good. I just need short term help. Mostly for my books, and college stuff until the GI Bill kicks in.

I'll get back pay and my final army pay plus bah and unemployment. I'll be doing great once it all starts, I promise I give my word to give back if I am helped. I should have anticipated an emergency but we didn't get paid a lot anyways especially with bills but I did well.

Please help. Sorry, but not having one pay check one time hurt me more than I know. Yet it seems
like your vehicle always needs repairs right before you may need the money you paid to fix it.

I always help out others when I was low on finances, Id give my buddy the shirt off my back. I'm a provider - I love to provide, yet for a short time I can't and I feel horrible. I will soon, but for right now I need emergency assistance.

I know there are others more deserving and they should get help before me, yet if anyone can understand what I'm going through I would appreciate the help. I know better times are ahead and I thank God for the army and for what its given me. It's just coming slow, yet it's coming, I will do anything. I don't want to be behind more than I am when my money comes. Please help. I swear I'll be so thankful. Thank you so much.

J, thank you for your service. I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you're encountering with your final pay, but I'm happy to hear that you're helping your mom, and that you're enrolled in school.

We've removed your e-mail address to protect you from spambots harvesting your e-mail and subjecting you to a deluge of unwanted e-mail.

There are a number of agencies where you might appeal for assistance, but it may not come fast enough to help you. Please take a look at this list of Non-Government Emergency Relief Resources. Hopefully you can find some assistance there.

You may also be able to find assistance at some local resources there in Cleveland. I would start with the VA office there. Then if you need to, try places like the State Veterans office, the Salvation Army, and local churches. You can do a search for "veterans assistance cleveland ohio" to find a list of agencies that might be able to help.

I will also ask if any of our readers would like to help out this soldier trying to make the transition to civilian, you can contact us, and we'll put you in touch with each other to facilitate direct assistance.

Our best wishes to you J, and our gratitude for your service to our country.

Comments for Veteran just out of the Army Needs Help

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Thank you
by: JPadilla

I'm no longer in need financially, but thank you. Some of my benefits have kicked in. I will look into transition assistance, though. Thank you very much.


I'm so glad your benefits have started, and I really appreciate you updating us to let us know. Best of luck to you.

Respect Needed
by: saer

Well this is really painful to see such things do happen in the world too. They are people who risked their lived in the line of duty so that we all would rest at our homes peacefully. A least bit of respect could be shown to them.

by: Lucy

It is very sad that these veterans are struggling to make a living. It is such a pity that our government is not doing anything to help them out. These people have served our country and they should be treated well.

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