Thank You so very much

by Julie Berad
(Hudson, MA)

Flags for soldiers- in memory of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country in Iraq and Afganistan

Flags for soldiers- in memory of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country in Iraq and Afganistan

Julie writes:

"How often do we neglect to day the words to others that are so important to hear and say?

I am the single Mom of a 2-yr-old son with Reactive Airway Disease. Every night after we finish our stories and prayers and I place him down in his crib I thank God for him, for the doctors who allowed him to be in my life and....all of you for defending this great land of ours and giving us all a safe and peaceful place to live.

You have left behind your loved ones - your wives, girlfriends, husbands, boyfriends, and children to do something that only truly special people can do. I am so very grateful.

Every day when I stand before the American flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance with my kindergarten students, I think of you all and your dedication and service, your love for our country and for all the sacrifices that you are making on a daily basis.

There are so, so, so many of us who value your dedication on a daily basis - not just Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, and/or the Fourth of July. For we know that you have dedicated yourself and your lives every day for the betterment of America.

YOU ALL make America beautiful and your loyalty and commitment means so very much to me and I truly thank you."

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