From the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Messages from the Chairman
Admiral Michael G. Mullen, USN, became the 17th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 1 October 2007. His immediate past assignment was as Chief of Naval Operations.
Please return here from time to time, to find noteworthy messages from or about the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ADM Mike Mullen, USN.

Holiday Message 2007
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued his holiday message today, thanking service members and families for their service, and asking that others remember their sacrifices.
"I thank each of you for your dedicated service as you defend our national interests around the world. Whether on the ground, in the air, on the sea, or under it, you are making life better and safer for millions of people. Please know you have your nation’s deepest gratitude," the statement from Navy Adm. Michael G. Mullen reads.
"As we count our many blessings, let us never forget our brothers and sisters in harm’s way and the families with empty seats at their holiday tables. Theirs is the sacrifice, the great and noble service, that allows our comfort and our freedom this season. Reach out to them if you can. Let them know they are remembered," Mullen wrote.
The chairman is this week traveling with the 2007 USO holiday tour on the 15-stop, seven-country tour thanking the forward deployed troops for their sacrifice and service.
With Christmas a week away, Mullen passed along his holiday greetings in person during a stop in Kuwait.
"I’d like to express my appreciation for what you do, not just for the nation, but for the world," he said. "You are making a big difference in a very challenging part of the world."
Mullen said he knows the holidays are a hard time to be away from family.
"We know that, and we keep them in our thoughts and prayers, and we hope we can bring a little cheer during this holiday season for you as you serve on this deployment," he said. "You could not be as successful on this deployment without the support of those families, and we’re extremely grateful for all the things that they do to make your service possible."

Military Families Appreciation Week
November 22-28, 2007
Thanksgiving Day kicks off National Military Families Appreciation Week, a week of national appreciation for and recognition of the support provided by America's military families.
This Thanksgiving Day, the nation's senior military officer reminded Americans that one of the things they can each be thankful for is the support our military families provide to those who serve. He also called on the nation to remember the sacrifices paid for the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.
"A great measure of our nation's strength is the support our soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen (and) Coast Guardsmen receive from our families. None of us could do it without them. They serve every bit as we serve. "All across the United States this week, families will join together and give thanks for the blessings in their lives and the freedom to do so. Let us never forget how that freedom was won or how, by the courage and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform and their families, those freedoms have been preserved. "On behalf of my family and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, please accept my gratitude to you and your family this Thanksgiving." |
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