Disgusted! by Government Shutdown

by Military Wife

I am a military wife and I am disgusted by the suggestion of military pay being delayed by a government shutdown, while the Congress, that they die and fight for, plays tug of war politics at the expense of the people for which they intend to do better!!

My husband has been on 5 combat deployments. He has watched good men die in front of him to protect the liberties of this country.

What is the incentive to do so? To be denied pay during a battle of egos that demonstrates an embarrassing display of Congressional governing!!

I am utterly disgusted that it would even be suggested that we are to be denied pay in a government shutdown - we have already been denied the right to stay in one city for more than 3-4 years, denied to be with our husbands for more than a year at a time, denied the rights of family unity due to a 10-year war that has turned into a Congressmen's hold on foreign riches and pencil pushers granting the wishes of large corporations enticed by bribes!

I sincerely doubt our bills can be paid with IOU's. In the meantime, our credit, our good name, our rights to obtain property and advance our status is being taken from us. How is this bettering the people?

This is not the country my husband signed up to defend 12
years ago
. Our military provides the ultimate sacrifice that our politicians so easily discuss as they take credit for battles won.

Battles they have never seen, never stepped foot on enemy soil, never fired a weapon that has killed a terrorist, never watched a fellow warrior give his life for the cause.

Yet these politicians make decisions that affect those who do. We are not mindless, thoughtless pawns that can be used in a war above us, we are the ones that live this life.

We may not be in the Congress or in the Senate, but without us, you would have no one to fight for the causes that once made America great.

It is a sad day when I cannot be proud of the government that we have stood by for so long, that we have sacrificed for over 12 years for.

This is not my America!

To deny the military pay is to disregard every death, every family separation, every man and woman who lived and breathed away their youth and life for this country!!

I am saddened and outraged by this display of selfish leadership. Are we not the children of America, is the government not the parent to these children who have been so obedient and selfless.

I refuse to accept this as appropriate use of my vote and of my families devotion to this country.

This must not be allowed!!

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Jul 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

I feel we need to let these people know how we feel in the next election. This is ludicrous that our military, seniors and disabled people do not know if they will be paid.

I say mess with their pay in voting them out. Shame on you!

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