A Free Book for the Troops

by Jerry Guarino
(San Francisco, CA, USA)

Something to read and relax with

Something to read and relax with

As a Vietnam veteran, I remember that although the hours were very long, there was considerable time off duty, and among other things, I did a lot of reading.

I'm not sure if this will apply to all of our troops, but I would like to offer a Kindle version of my latest book, "40 Slices of Pizza" to members of the military or their family free for the asking.

These short stories may help a little to get through their time away from home with a laugh, as many of the stories are funny.

To get a free copy of my book, please send an email to me at FreeBook@Military-Money-Matters.com. They will forward your request to me.

My continued prayers for your safe and healthy return from combat, and for those in non-combat locations, my gratitude for your under-appreciated service.

Jerry Guarino

Jerry, thank you so much for your kind and generous offer for our troops. We've asked them to e-mail you via our website, and we'll forward the messages to you.

Readers, just in case you may not know, Kindle versions can be downloaded and read on your iPad or computer if you don't have a Kindle. Please tell us what unit you or your loved one serve with in your e-mail.

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